SER Kòrsou ta liderá AICESIS, Eksplorando horizontenan nobo pa 2023-2025

Willemstad, 15 di novèmber 2023 – Den un desaroyo importante pa diálogo ekonómiko i sosial mundial, Konseho Sosial Ekonómiko (SER) di Kòrsou a tuma e timon di e Asosashon Internashonal di Konsehonan Ekonómiko i Sosial i Institushonnan Similar (AICESIS) komo su presidente, efektivo for di 1 di novèmber 2023. E periodo aki, ku ta ekstendé te ku 31 di òktober 2025, ta representá un punto krusial pa SER i un logro signifikante pa e region di Latino Amérika i Karibe.

E transishon pa e ròl di liderazgo aki, guiá pa artíkulo 8, insiso 1, di e statutonan di AICESIS, ta reflehá e naturalesa rotativo di e posishon importante aki entre diferente regionnan geográfiko, manera stipulá den artíkulo 7, insiso 3. Nombramentu di SER di Kòrsou komo presidente, ku a ser ratifiká na e Asamblea General di AICESIS ku a tuma lugá dia 1 di novèmber 2023 na Mòsku, ta un muestra di e konfiansa i estimashon otorgá na SER dor di otro miembronan di e asosashon prestigioso mundial.

Kuminsando su presidensia, SER di Kòrsou a presentá un Roadmap ambisioso pa e periodo 2023-2025, dediká na fomentá prosperidat amplio i inklusivo. E strategia progresivo aki ta aliniá detayadamente ku e Ophetivonan di Desaroyo Sostenibel, e asina yamá Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) di Nashonnan Uní, enfatisando e nesesidat pa un enfoke personalisá i desentralisá. E strategia aki ta rekonosé e desafionan i oportunidatnan úniko propio pa e kuater regionnan geográfiko di AICESIS.

Pa medio di un video e roadmap aki a ser presentá na e Asamblea General i na miembronan di e Konseho di Atministrashon (Direktiva) di AICESIS, deliniando detayadamente ophetivonan stratégiko i un plan di akshon konkreto pa e siguiente dos añanan. Ku e inisiativa aki, SER di Kòrsou ta reafirmá su kompromiso na mehorá diálogo sosial institushonalisá na nivel mundial, konsulta, i fortifikashon di demokrasia partisipativo.

Ademas, den su kalidat di presidente, SER di Kòrsou lo fungi komo un bos koherente riba esenarionan internashonal, inkluso Organisashon Internashonal di Trabou (ILO) i Konseho Ekonómiko i Sosial di Nashonnan Uní (ECOSOC). E ròl aki lo enserá efektivamente ku perspektivanan i opinionnan di miembronan di AICESIS lo ser representá i vosiferá integralmente den foronan multilateral na nivel mundial.

E nombramentu aki ta suprayá e dedikashon di SER di Kòrsou na promové prosperidat global i desaroyo sosioekonómiko, siguiendo e prinsipionan básiko di Nashonnan Uní i e standardnan di trabou internashonalmente rekonosé i establesé pa ILO. Pa mas informashon por bishitá

SER Curaçao Leads AICESIS

Charting New Horizons for 2023-2025

Willemstad, Nov. 15, 2023 – In a landmark development for global economic and social dialogue, the Social and Economic Council (SER) of Curaçao has taken the helm of the International Association of Economic and Social Councils and Similar Institutions (AICESIS) as its president, effective Nov. 1, 2023. This tenure, extending until Oct. 31, 2025, represents a pivotal juncture for SER and a significant achievement for the Latin America and Caribbean region.

The transition to this leadership role, guided by Article 8(1) of the AICESIS Charter, reflects the rotational nature of this pivotal position across diverse geographic regions, as stipulated in Article 7(3). The Curaçao ESC’s ascension to presidency, ratified at the AICESIS General Assembly in Moscow on November 1, 2023, signifies the trust and esteem bestowed upon the ESC by fellow association members.

Embarking on its presidency, SER Curaçao has unveiled an ambitious Roadmap Presidency 2023-2025 CUR” dedicated to fostering broad, inclusive prosperity. This forward-thinking strategy is intricately aligned with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals, emphasizing the necessity for a tailored, decentralized approach. This strategy acknowledges the distinct challenges and prospects unique to AICESIS’s four geographic regions.

A comprehensive visual blueprint of this roadmap was presented to the AICESIS General Assembly and Board, meticulously outlining strategic objectives and action plans for the ensuing two years. Through this initiative, the Curaçao ESC reaffirms its commitment to enhancing global institutionalized social dialogue, consultation, and the fortification of participatory democracy.

In addition, as president, SER Curaçao will act as a cohesive voice on international stages, including the International Labor Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This role involves ensuring the perspectives and insights of AICESIS members are integrally represented in worldwide discussions.

This leadership appointment underlines SER Curaçao’s dedication to advancing global prosperity and socio-economic development, adhering to the core tenets of the United Nations and the internationally recognized labor standards set by the ILO. Please visit for more information.


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