Aruba Bank assists customers with interest-only payment relief for the coming 3 months
Oranjestad, 4 di september, 2020–Aruba Bank N.V. ta sigui traha pa yuda clientenan cu a mira caida den nan entrada debi na e crisis de Covid-19.
Durante e ultimo seis (6) luna e banco a extende su asistencia na clientenan, individuo y negoshi, cu ta sigui mira bahada den na ingresonan.
Nos tin comprencion pa e preshon financiero cu nos clientenan ta enfrenta y nos tey pa yuda.
Cliente cu ta sigui wordo afecta financieramente pa e crisis di Covid-19 por pidi asistencia pa un alivio di interes-solamente pa e siguiente tres luna, aki:
E ultimo fecha pa pidi alivio ta 18 di september, 2020.
Clientenan cu ta desea di explora otro opcion por yama nos Contact Center na 527-7777 y lo wordo atendi individualmente. Clientenan comercial por tuma contacto cu nan account manager directamete pa ricibi asistencia.
Pa informacion of asistencia por fabor yama nos Contact Center na 527-7777 of bishita nos na www.arubabank.com/corona-news pa tur anuncio.
Aruba Bank assists customers with interest-only payment relief for the coming 3 months
Aruba Bank assists customers with interest-only payment relief for the coming 3 months
Aruba Bank N.V. has been working hard to find ways to assist customers whose incomes have been impacted by the Covid-19 crisis.
During the last six (6) months the bank extended assistance to customers, individuals, and businesses, whose incomes were affected.
We understand the financial pressure that many of our customers, both individuals, and businesses, are facing and we are here to help.
Individuals whose finances have continued to be affected by the Covid-19 crisis may apply here for an interest-only-payment for the coming three (3) months: www.arubabank.com/corona-relief
The last day to send in the application is September 18th, 2020.
Business customers may contact their account managers directly for assistance.
Customers who wish to ask about other options may call our Contact Center at 527-7777 and will be assisted on a case-by-case basis. For additional information or assistance, please call our Contact Center at 527-7777 or visit www.arubabank.com/corona-news for frequent updates.