Segun e pronostico di 5 aña di recuperacion di trafico na AUA Airport
ORANJESTAD – Basa riba e ultimo informacionnan ta wordo spera cu Aeropuerto Internacional Reina Beatrix (AUA Airport) lo finalisa e aña cu 37% – 40% di recuperacion di trafico den cantidad di pasahero cu ta sali for di Aruba den 2020 en comparacion cu 2019. AUA Airport ta usa e mesun indicashonnan cu e varios stakeholdernan, specialmente e aerolineanan cu ta opera na AUA Airport ta usa pa mira mas den futuro y pronostica e ruta di recuperacion pa e 5 añanan na caminda. Recuperacion lo ta poco poco pero sigur durante e añanan na caminda. Varios asociacion di e industria di aviacion manera ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), IATA (International Air Transport Association) y ACI (Airports Council International) tambe a saca nan pronostico y ta premira cu e lo tuma e industria di aviacion por lo menos 3 pa 4 aña pa recupera bek y mira e cantidad di trafico mundialmente manera e tabata prome cu COVID.
Basa riba AUA Airport su network cu su aerolineanan partner y tambe basa riba e informacion duna door di e asociacionnan di e industria di aviacion menciona a determina su pronostico di e 5 añanan den e cantidad di pasahero cu lo sali for di AUA Airport (Revenue Generating Passengers).
E grafico ta ilustra cu nos ta premira cu lo recupera 37% den 2020, 52% den 2021, 68% den 2022, 78% den 2023, 84% den 2024 y 90% den 2025.
“Tur dia nos ta den contacto cu nos partnernan den e industria di aviacion y turismo. E pronostico aki ta basa riba e indicashonnan y informacionnan cu nos tin awe. Nos sa cu e impacto di e crisis lo wordo sinti pa añas. Un pronostico di varios aña bou di e circumstancianan yena cu incertidumbre actual, lamentablemente, por cambia na cualkier momento. Pesei, di awo pa dilanti, nos lo prepara un update di e pronostico cada kwartaal. Nos lo sigui haci nos maximo esfuerso pa yuda Aruba den su recuperacion necesario,” asina Joost Meijs, CEO di Aruba Airport Authority N.V. a bisa.
AUA Airport foresees a 90% recovery in 2025
Five-year outlook for traffic recovery at AUA Airport
ORANJESTAD – Based on the latest insights it is expected that AUA Airport will end up with a 37% – 40% traffic recovery for total departures by the end of 2020 compared to the year 2019. We use these same insights that we retrieve from our various stakeholders, especially the airlines operating into AUA Airport, to look further ahead and estimate our recovery path for the coming five years. Recovery will be slow but sure during the coming years. Various aviation industry associations such as ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), IATA (International Air Transport Association) and ACI (Airports Council International) have also emitted their outlook and estimate that it will take the aviation industry at least 3 to 4 years to recover and once again see pre-COVID traffic numbers worldwide.
Based on our network with our airline partners and also based on the insights of the aforementioned aviation industry associations we have determined our outlook for the 5 years ahead of us for the amount of passengers that will depart from AUA Airport (Revenue Generating Passengers).
The graph illustrates that we estimate at this time that we will recover 37% in 2020, 52% in 2021, 68% in 2022, 78% in 2023, 84% in 2024 and 90% in 2025.
“Every day we are in contact with our partners in the aviation and tourism industry. This forecast is based on the insights and information we have today. We know that the impact of this crisis will be felt for years. A multiyear outlook under the current uncertain circumstances, however, remains fluid. Therefore, from now on, we will prepare an update of our multiyear forecast every quarter. We will continue to do our utmost to help Aruba in its much-needed recovery,” said Joost Meijs, CEO of Aruba Airport Authority N.V.