Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba y University of Aruba ta fortifica nan colaboracion/ Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba en University of Aruba versterken de samenwerking/ Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) and University of Aruba (UA) strengthen their collaboration

ORANJESTAD, ARUBA – Na aña 2017, Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) y Universidad di Aruba (UA) a firmaun acuerdo di 3 aña pa asina establese un nivel di colaboracion y sondeo pa ambos organisacion. Desde 2017 por bisa cu a mira resultado di 15 investigacion combina cu eseñansa cual ta indica e importancia y balor encuantoinvestigacion y educacion ariba Aruba su naturalesa y areanandi reserva natural. 

Hunto ambos organisacion a colabora den diferentepresentacion, tayer, bishitanan educativo, symposium y sin laga afo e tesis riba un nivel di HBO. E ultimo desaroyonanpa cu e colaboracion entre FPNA y UA ta e desaroyo di un investigacion ariba nivel di doctorado unda cu e topico “the population structure and connectivity of reef-building corals in the southern Dutch Caribbean” cual ta lidera pa Diana Melville. 

Ariba 1 di september ultimo, FPNA hunto cu UA a fortificanan lasonan un bes mas pa asina colabora riba sondeo pa cu e maneho di naturalesa y conservacion, unda studiantenan, comunidad y bishitantenan por wordo educa ariba Aruba sunaturalesa en general y particularmente nos areanan di reservanatural. E acuerdo akinan tin un duracion pa e proximo tresañanan y a resulta den dos presentacion caba cu e topiconan di ‘Principles of Sustainability’ y ‘Designing Visitors Experience’.

Akinan por mira e resultado di e prome acuerdo entre FPNA y UA entre 2017-2020:

SISSTEM 2020 : PhD research: Diana Melville: Population structure and connectivity of reef-building corals in the Southern Dutch Caribbean.

SISSTEM 2020: SISSTEM: Field Excursion Arikok (31 January 2020, organized by: PhD Kryss Facun).

UAUCU 2020: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Charlotte Mehlhart: The Ocean Paradox: Values Held by Resource Users in Aruba’s Fisheries. 

OGM 2020: Student paper: Christle & Xenia Nieuw: The Effects of Off-Roading Tourism on Aruba.

AFY 2020: Fieldwork of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

OGM 2019: Guest Lecture by FPNA, Giancarlo Nunes, on Aruba Nature Conservation. 

UAUCU 2019: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Linde van de Graaf: Of People and Mangroves: illustrations of a social-ecological system. 

UAUCU 2019: Research project & Bachelor thesis: MirreStevens: Off-road driving and the ecosystem: An analysis of the impacts on landscape functionality. 

AFY 2019: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

UAUCU 2018: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Annemieke Drost: Coral Health and Citizen Science. 

UACUCU 2018: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Emmeline Long: The impacts of oil contamination on the mangrove ecosystems of Aruba. 

AFY 2018: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

UAUCU 2017: Research project & Bachelor thesis: RotemSilber: Assessment of endemic fauna in key biodiversity areas. 

UAUCU 2017: Research project: Larisa Leeuwe: Environmental law: national and international perspectives. 

AFY 2017: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course.

Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba en University ofAruba versterken de samenwerking

ORANJESTAD, ARUBA – In 2017 ondertekenden Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) en de University of Aruba (UA) een driejarige overeenkomst om samenwerking en onderzoeksactiviteiten bij beide instellingen tot stand te brengen. Sinds die tijd heeft de samenwerking in 15 verschillende onderzoeks- en onderwijsactiviteiten de waarde aangetoond van de wederzijdse bijdrage aan onderzoek en onderwijs over de Arubaanse natuur en de natuurgebieden.

De instituten werkten samen aan gastcolleges, excursies, bachelor scripties en symposia. De meest recente impactvolle stap in deze samenwerking is de ontwikkeling van het promotieonderzoek naar de populatiestructuur en connectiviteit van rifbouwende koralen in de Zuid-Nederlandse Cariben door Diana Melville.

Op 1 september van dit jaar hernieuwden FPNA en de UA hun toewijding aan samenwerking op het gebied van onderzoek voor natuurbeheer en natuurbehoud, zodat studenten, publiek en bezoekers kennis kunnen maken met de Arubaanse natuur in het algemeen en de natuurgebieden in het bijzonder. De toezegging is getekend voor de komende drie jaar en sluit al aan bij twee recente gastcolleges over de ‘Principles of Sustainability’ en ‘Designing Visitors Experience’.

UA-FPNA outputs 2017-2020:

SISSTEM 2020 -: PhD research: Diana Melville: Population structure and connectivity of reef-building corals in the Southern Dutch Caribbean.

SISSTEM 2020: SISSTEM: Field Excursion Arikok (31 January 2020, organized by: PhD Kryss Facun).

UAUCU 2020: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Charlotte Mehlhart: The Ocean Paradox: Values Held by Resource Users in Aruba’s Fisheries. 

OGM 2020: Student paper: Christle & Xenia Nieuw: The Effects of Off-Roading Tourism on Aruba.

AFY 2020: Fieldwork of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

OGM 2019, May: Guest Lecture by FPNA, Giancarlo Nunes, on Aruba Nature Conservation. 

UAUCU 2019: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Linde van de Graaf: Of People and Mangroves: illustrations of a social-ecological system. 

UAUCU 2019: Research project & Bachelor thesis: MirreStevens: Off-road driving and the ecosystem: An analysis of the impacts on landscape functionality. 

AFY 2019: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

UAUCU 2018: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Annemieke Drost: Coral Health and Citizen Science. 

UACUCU 2018: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Emmeline Long: The impacts of oil contamination on the mangrove ecosystems of Aruba. 

AFY 2018: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

UAUCU 2017: Research project & Bachelor thesis: RotemSilber: Assessment of endemic fauna in key biodiversity areas. 

UAUCU 2017: Research project: Larisa Leeuwe: Environmental law: national and international perspectives. 

AFY 2017: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course.

Fundacion Parke Nacional Aruba (FPNA) and University of Aruba (UA) strengthen theircollaboration

ORANJESTAD, ARUBA – In 2017 FPNA and the UA signed a 3-year agreement to establish collaboration and research activities at both institutions. Since that time, collaboration in 15 different research and teaching activities have demonstrated the value of the mutual contribution to research and education about Aruban nature and the nature reserves. 

The institutes collaborated in guest lectures, field excursions, bachelor theses and symposia. The most recent impactful step in this collaboration is the development of the PhD research on the population structure and connectivity of reef-building corals in the southern Dutch Caribbean by Diana Melville. 

On September 1st of this year, FPNA and the UA renewed their commitment to collaboration in research for nature management and conservation, so that students, public and visitors can be educated about Aruban nature in general and the nature reserves particularly. The commitment is signed for the next three years and already accounts with two recent guest lectures on the ‘Principles of Sustainability’ and ‘Designing Visitors Experience’.

UA-FPNA outputs 2017-2020:

SISSTEM 2020 : PhD research: Diana Melville: Population structure and connectivity of reef-building corals in the Southern Dutch Caribbean.

SISSTEM 2020: SISSTEM: Field Excursion Arikok (31 January 2020, organized by: PhD Kryss Facun).

UAUCU 2020: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Charlotte Mehlhart: The Ocean Paradox: Values Held by Resource Users in Aruba’s Fisheries. 

OGM 2020: Student paper: Christle & Xenia Nieuw: The Effects of Off-Roading Tourism on Aruba.

AFY 2020: Fieldwork of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

OGM 2019: Guest Lecture by FPNA, Giancarlo Nunes, on Aruba Nature Conservation. 

UAUCU 2019: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Linde van de Graaf: Of People and Mangroves: illustrations of a social-ecological system. 

UAUCU 2019: Research project & Bachelor thesis: MirreStevens: Off-road driving and the ecosystem: An analysis of the impacts on landscape functionality. 

AFY 2019: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

UAUCU 2018: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Annemieke Drost: Coral Health and Citizen Science. 

UACUCU 2018: Research project & Bachelor thesis: Emmeline Long: The impacts of oil contamination on the mangrove ecosystems of Aruba. 

AFY 2018: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course. 

UAUCU 2017: Research project & Bachelor thesis: RotemSilber: Assessment of endemic fauna in key biodiversity areas. 

UAUCU 2017: Research project: Larisa Leeuwe: Environmental law: national and international perspectives. 

AFY 2017: Fieldwork and final symposium of Introduction to Earth and Environment course.


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