Biba Nos Herencia!: Ban topa y fotografía monumentonan di Aruba hunto! /

Biba Nos Herencia!: Ban topa y fotografía monumentonan di Aruba hunto!

Stichting Monumentenfonds Aruba (SMFA) ta orguyoso di por anuncia cu a ricibi un contribucion for di Fonds voorCultuurparticipatie di Hulanda pa un proyecto nobo titula: BIBA NOS HERENCIA!

P’e proyecto di Biba Nos Herencia nos ta trahando cufotografo Monique Anrochte, Aruba Tourism Authority y otro partnersnan cultural local. Pa medio di e proyecto aki nos tacelebra e hecho di preserva nos herencia cultural pa futuro generacionnan y kier comparti e orguyo y pasion pa nos cultura pa medio di diferente actividadnan y competencianancu ta pone enfasis na experencia cultura, historia y nos herencia (tangibel y intangibel) .

Pa inicia e proyecto SMFA hunto cu e diferente partnersnan lo organisa 3 Instameet; Un Instameet ta un encuentro entre amantenan di fotografia pa explora y fotografia un area y su monumentonan y asina comparti esakinan y nan storianan riba Instagram.

Personanan cu ta, of conoce, un persona cu interes den herencia cultural y fotografia, join nos na un of mas di e instameetsnan. Por registra via di e riba nos pagina di Facebook of Instagram.

E fechanan lo ta dia 14-17 y 19 di augustus y por participa naun of mas Instameets.

Den e promer Instameet lo explora y fotografia e area di Rancho y Museo Arkeologico Nacional di Aruba. E di dos Instameet lo enfoca riba Monumentonan y historia di San Nicolas y e ultimo lo bishita diferente monumentonan rond di Aruba.

Pa mas Informacion y demas actividadnan bishita nos paginadi Facebook Stichting Monumentenfonds Aruba of Instagram Monumentsfundaruba of por contact nos via di

Nos ta hopi contento y agradeci cu nos partnernan cultural pa e proyecto aki: Stichting Rancho, National ArchaeologicalMuseum of Aruba, Artisa, Fundacion Museo Arubano, Museo Cas Tan Tin, Fundacion Kapel di Bethania, Archivo Nacional Aruba.


Long Live our Heritage project: Let’s meet, explore and photograph our heritage together.

Monuments Fund Aruba (SMFA) is proud to announce thatwe have received a contribution from the Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie Netherlands for a wonderful new project!


With this project in collaboration with photographer Monique Anrochte, Aruba Tourism Authority and other Aruban cultural partners, we celebrate extensively that we have preserved our heritage for future generations. We share our pride and passion by organizing events and contests with the emphasis on experiencing culture, history and (tangible and intangible) heritage.

To kick off the project we will organize three instameets. An instameet is a festive meeting between (smartphone) photographers who explore an area or subject. They capture and share their adventures with photos and stories on Instagram.

Are you or do you know someone with an interest in heritage and photography, then you can join the instameets by signing up via our Facebook page or Instagram.

The Instameets will be on 14yh, 17th and 19th of August 2023. During the first Instameet we will explore Historic Rancho and The National Archaeological Museum of Aruba. For the second Instameet we will visit the sunrise city of San Nicolas and during the ast Instameet we will explore other monuments on the Island.

For more information follow us on InstagranMonumentsfundaruba of Facebook page Stichting Monumentenfonds Aruba.

We are very happy and grateful with our local partners: Stichting Rancho, National Archaeological Museum of Aruba, Artisa, Fundacion Museo Arubano, Museo Cas Tan Tin, Fundacion Kapel di Bethania, Archivo Nacional Aruba.


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